Monday, May 11, 2009

Friends & acquaintances..

I made my mom the most adorable mommy's day card every. I felt 7 ryte after it.

I amuse myself....the contradiction...the pretense. Im learning to like it now.

Ive been completely out of touch with politics for the past week - I prefer it that way now.
It makes me feel helpless...more than usual. I hate being helpless....
"Helplessness is hopelessness.."
[somebody said it, cant remember the name.]

But I think I mentioned the whole *helplessness* thing before....I also hate repetition..
I dont like hypocrites [myself being an exception since rules are always different for everyone else].
Talking is so pointless. It almost never makes a difference. And I dont like criticizing which is ironic since I do that a lot - and I am so damn full of myself. So I was just wondering just because a person is aware of ones fault or a...what should I say..."bad quality" is it justified for that person to possess it? As in, I know Im a hypocrite so its suddenly alryte for me to be one?

Know what else I hate? When a person goes all bychy about someone like..."THAT person said bla bla but did least I dint do THAT!!" and so Im a greater person.
Why argue about something you never did?
If you DINT do it - it dint make a difference - if it dint make a difference it doesnt exist - You cant argue about something that doesnt exist - Ehsaan nahi kia aap nai insniyat per ghalat kaam na ker kai....

SO yeah Mariam and I are now officially *good FRIENDS*...:p

"Some day you will look at your friend, and he will seem to you to be a little out of drawing, or you won't like his tone of colour, or something."

Thats one creepy statement by Mr. Wilde.

SEMEN is still annoying....but Im getting used to it.
Today, suddenly, I had this urge to pick out my veins from my wrist (all the visible blue ones) with a needle....:\
If I ever make a movie this scene is definitely going to be there.....the graphics are gonna be as good as real....but better...

The sketch...its still incomplete - oh the disappointment. Ive wasted too much time on it to just throw it away...but anyway...

"An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them."
- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

and its almost impossible to do so...


Wijdan said...

So I was just wondering just because a person is aware of ones fault or a...what should I say..."bad quality" is it justified for that person to possess it?


You cant argue about something that doesnt exist - Ehsaan nahi kia aap nai insniyat per ghalat kaam na ker kai....


Today, suddenly, I had this urge to pick out my veins from my wrist (all the visible blue ones) with a needle....:\


and its almost impossible to do so...


Anonymous said...

The card you made for mommy is beautiful ! :)

uzme said...

thanx love.