I've waited three years to study that shit in detail.
And I've gone out of my way to teach myself testing...TAT being an example.
I finally own a DSM and will be using it to diagnose real people OFFICIALLY!
No more amateur analysis of normal people trying to be crazy. I never really got why everyone wanted me to label them "crazy", "weird" and/or "psychotic". Its not cool being any of that. Not when you know what these terms actually represent.
Anyway. I feel like a doctor.
I feel like Indiana Jones ._.
Oh my love, my darling
I've hungered for you touch,
a long, lonely time
and time goes by so slowly.
But not quite.
I found my new...subject.
I dont know how long this has been going on, but I always have had a "subject" in my life that I find amusing. It can be the most random person that I see and find something wrong with them. And then I spend the next couple of months building rapport and finding out whats wrong with them. I cant rest until that person has opened up completely. So far, Ive been successful in all my ventures. Once the person opens up, I may or may not help, depending on the situation. And we end up becoming pretty good friends, unless it an interesting male participant, in which case I end up having a week long fling, lolj/k. No but seriously.
So my new subject is actually a friends friend. My doubts were correct about him having a sort of manic depressive disorder. He is currently seeing a therapist, but for the next three weeks they will probably be doing the intake session. Anyway. I have to befriend him, which shouldnt be that difficult because we have mutual friends. How fucking messed up is this? I probably do this to feel good about myself and feel I have some kind of control on my actions. Heh. Imadoctah! ^^
Indiana Jones really? =P
so there are people who do this sort of thing...
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