Wednesday, June 10, 2009


How long does it take me to absorb a situation, process the information, compare it with facts, convert the raw data into primary data, analyze it and feel the appropriate emotion?

- Around 60 hours!

Yep, the procedure is vital but require a lot of time....and by the time the conclusion is derived the decisions are usually made and implemented and Im left with the consequences.

I giggle waaay too much....of all the people...ME.

Shakespeare was we needed a whole study to prove it. Rida says being bi would be can pick anyone n do...I like her - shes pretty n funny n so cute:(
But she would rather marry nadO if she were a lesbian - DHOKA!!:p

Love in tennis means no score : nil..:\

I like the term 'puke' ; whether real or hypothetical...makes you feel better, And dont be finding 'depth' in the means exactly what it states. Im not deep. Oceans are deep. Im more like space. Its not deep, just empty. All vacuum. It just absorbs everything.
[Dont even think about being technical here with the facts about vacuum.....MERI THEORY HAI!!!]

I 'feel' like my eye balls are gona get unattached from the string like veins holding em in my lids and just roll down my face...:\
And like my whole skleton is gona melt in my body and i'll be like...flubber. Flubber was sO gay. I just saw it out of respect for Robin Williams (yes I used to be a fan after watchin jumanji).
Know what else is gay? DORA's backpack!
That lil skank illegaly roaming here and there messing up the minds of the youngones.

Hi, Im Dora. This is my backpack...backpack BACKpack BACKPACK...!!

Oh I made another card....for FINALLY thats over!!

[pics deleted - too many colors!!]

wOw do I have time or what!!

yea yea I know the card is gay....Had to do something to make up for my bychy attitude with her.


Rida. said...

Haha! 60 hours? Yeah ryte. I told you that was a reason for the pukiness xP

No no, you're are too precious for me. I would not ruin it for us by marrying you.


uzme said...

bas ab excuses nai dou....