Friday, December 3, 2010

He says:

I may not be a good daughter but Ive been a good girl. Ive never skipped school or college to go on a date. I may not have been a very good student, but Ive never been a bad student. Ive never cheated in a final exam. I've wasted two years of my life waiting for the results. I write papers for MBA and BBA students to collect money to go to a university. Ive written papers on subjects I dint even know existed. I get very good feedback on almost all the papers that I write. Im exceptionally smart. I shouldnt be asked to waste another year of my life unnecessarily studying something that I do not need to based on the mere assumption that I may or may not be smart enough to handle my desired course. Especially by people who cant tell the difference between Harvard and Chicago.

Im running out of reasons to stay alive.


quartertoinsane said...

sadly none of da thngs u'v written count... at least thats wat i'v learned.... soooooo... go ahead n make a dramatic exit....

Roshni said...

Can you write me a paper too? A scientific one at that? On PPAR-Gamma and Diabetes? ..3000 words? Can you?

uzme said...

Umm...sure...send me instructions:

Unknown said...


uzme said...


Roshni said...

Sent =|