they call me HELL;
they call me seXEE;
sumthing sumthing
thats not my name....
here she comes again screaming n crying.....i thot id tell her not to go but i dint...i ws too lazy to.
to be honest i dint evn care..its happend jus to many times...and i hate the way i never get used to always comes as a shock....if evn for a second. Im not good wit consoling ppl....infact im really REALLY bad...its almost like not smiling....noone can evn see my face. Pity is the love i have for her....ssss man im crueL!
You kno it aint easy, for these thoughts here to leave me....she tryna console her...she mus be thinkin im such a fuking bych....i mean im done tryna make he feel better...i knw she wont...ive tried...for a lil too long and im tired now. it'll pass.....its been passing for past15'll pass again.....
ima big big a big big world...its not a big big thing if its all craapy...
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet....miss him...:(:(
missing him alot....STOP TALKING:@
everyones a wen dey act like bych why get surprized...they are prone to act like that..what the big deal? its always been like this.