Monday, July 5, 2010

yaYy of the month.

Remember how I used to whine about how much I suck at work and how I cant write?
Yea...well...not anymore ^.^
I. Are. Awesome.
Jumped from writing 54 last month to 117 this month.
And I got a raise ^.^
me and my awesomeness.
Just...I amuse myself.

I declare an Annual Hypothetical Holiday on July 5 to be observed every year till the end of time.

Now I just really hope my other friends n all dont read it...cuz then the word will spread and then if I treat like one group of friends I'll have to treat other two groups as well. I have too many friends:\
Anyway....yaYy me:D


Mackers said...

Damn, this must be the most upbeat post i have read you write. Hope it continues :)

Rubab said...

Getting amused at the little gifts in life gives it a dazzlingly refreshing aura. Keep it up ^-^