Sunday, October 4, 2009


I absolutely have nothing to say to anyone. So. Im just gona type things I've read in my psychology and literature books....which I for some reason find deep or whatever...

* All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up; that emotion is impure which seizes only one side of your being and so distorts you.
- Rainer Maria Rilke.

* Razors pain you, Rivers are damp, Acids stain you, And drugs cause cramp, Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give, Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
- Dorothy Parker.

* Beauty cannot disguise nor music melt;
A pain undiagnosable but felt.
- Anne Marrow Lindberg.

* Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt.

* What luck for rulers that men do not think.
- Adolph Hitler [<3]

* Whom fortune wishes to destroy, she first makes mad.
- Pubilius Syrus, Moral Sayings [First Century B.C].

* How much pain have cost us the evils which have never happened.
- Thomas Jefferson.

* The wish for healing has ever been the half of health.
- Seneca, Hyppolytus [First Century B.C].

* Theres no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.
- E.B White.

* Familiarity blunts astonishment.
- Some psychologist..

* The only way to reform people is to kill them.
- Carl Panzram.

* The only way to be completely inactive is to be dead.
- Some psychologist..

* For many a time Ive been half in love with peaceful death.
- Some Poet..

* I dont believe in man, God or Devil. I hate the whole damned human race, including myself...I preyed upon the weak, the harmless and the unsuspecting. This lesson I was taught by others; Might makes right.
- Carl Panzram.

* I couldn't find any meaning in my life while I was out there. I'm sure as hell not going to find it in here. This is the grand finale of a life poorly spent and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing ... it's a sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that's all it is. How it can help anyone, I've no idea.
- Jeffrey Dahmer.

* Im sorry Ive killed five people, okay?
- Gary Allan Walker.

* A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
- Joseph Stalin.

* I dint want to hurt them, only wanted to kill them.
- David Berkowitz.

* Doubt - the problem with every solution.
- Me.